Above is a photo of a "peace?" activist brandishing a very frightening looking knife on one of the ships that Israeli Defense forces boarded earlier today. Regrettably, it appears that 9 individuals died for their ignoble cause.
It will definitely help put things into context by watching the following videos carefully:
And this video is a MUST SEE! Please click on the link to view:
MEMRI: Al-Jazeera TV Report from "Freedom Flotilla" Before Its Departure for Gaza: Activists on Board Chant Intifada Songs and Praise Martyrdom
So a bunch of "peace?" activists decide to break the blockade of Gaza, implemented by Israel and Egypt to prevent Hamas from obtaining weapons and/or the raw materials that are used to manufacture weapons that are used to terrorize more than 1 million people that live in a 20-mile radius around Gaza. As you may remember, in January 2007, I had the most unpleasant experience of being forced to dive into my own bomb-shelter when the arabs started firing long range Grad missiles at us, the House of Sun is only 24-miles from Gaza as the crow flies.
The arabs could end this blockade very easily. All they have to do is sign a piece of paper that says that they recognize the right of Jews to govern themselves in the 8,000 sq miles of land popularly known as Israel (and by the way, that's 8,000 out of the 3,000,000 sq miles shared by the countries that immediately surround us). And one other thing: they have to NOT teach their children that it is a holy mission to kill Joooos. For those of you who have visited us, you know how disturbing it is to turn on the tele every single morning and see educational programming that teaches arab kids how to kill Jooos, preferred methods involve shooting, slitting throats and beheading. And every single Friday morning, you can turn on your tele or radio and hear the imams preaching from the mosques. The typical muslim "Shabbat" sermon consists of ugly, nauseating, violent, murderous calls to kill Jooos, and it's broadcast over the air for free - you don't need to pay for cable to have the displeasure of hearing this stuff day after day, week after week etc.
Interestingly, one of the ships in the Gaza Flotilla is named after the late Rachel Corrie. Here is my favorite photo of her, it's a photo of her teaching young arab children how to emit blood-curdling screams while burning effigies of American Flags. She also called herself a "peace?" activist. The photo is quite flattering, wouldn't you agree?
OK, back to the topic at hand. The blockade of Gaza has brought peace and quiet to these parts, in the last year the arabs have fired only about 50 rockets at us, compared to 4,700 rockets during 2005/2006. And bear in mind that Egypt enforces the blockade from their side of the border as well.
What does the blockade mean to the average Gazan? Well, as far as we can see, the Gazan supermarkets are fully stocked and the kids are splashing around in swimming pools filled with crystal clear water. Don't believe me? You can see the videos on YouTube yourself. There isn't a single Gazan that goes to bed hungry. UNWRA has seen to that for over 60 years, they are the agency of the UN that is responsible for keeping these people perpetually impoverished so that they can keep their own self-perpetuating jobs for another 100 years.
In fact, food, fuel, medical supplies, clothing and all types of consumer goods flow into Gaza every day through the Gaza border crossings. The one basic and very necessary rule is that Israeli security personnel inspect every truck that enters Gaza for things like: steel tubing and fertilizer used to manufacture rockets, weapons of every sort, and yes - cement. You see, the main use for cement in Gaza is to build smuggling tunnels into Egypt which are used to bring in weapons, rockets and missiles which are launched at my house and my kids schools.
So Turkey, who used to be the lords of this land up until about 90 years ago, seem to have been the instigators of this flotilla PR campaign. A bunch of "peace?" activists (note the quotation marks) were determined to break the Israeli/Egyptian blockade of Gaza by sailing a flotilla of vessels to Gaza laden with "humanitarian" aid. Israel repeatedly said that it was a fine idea, so long as the boats docked at Ashdod so that the cargo could be inspected for weapons and then trucked into Gaza along with the other 10,000 tons of goods and fuel that are routinely trucked into Gaza every single day. The flotilla organizers were repeatedly and clearly warned from the very start that their boats would not be permitted to dock in Gaza to unload without inspection. The flotilla organizers were adamant that they would break the blockade, stating that they would not succumb to/recognize the authority of the Zionist occupiers of the holy arab lands (i.e. Israel) and that they were prepared to pay the ultimate price in the process.
This morning, when the flotilla reached 60 or 40 km from the coast of Israel (not clear on the distance), they were met by the Israeli navy who clearly communicated that they had three choices: Either (a) voluntarily turn back, or (b) voluntarily sail to the port of Ashdod to unload their cargo for inspection after which it would be trucked to it's intended destination, or (c) Israeli forces would board the vessels and force them to sail to Ashdod.
So they picked choice (c). Now mind you, when you watch the videos of the Israeli Navy commandos landing on the decks (see links above), the guns that they are carrying are: Paintball guns. The only real weapons that they are carrying are handguns. The Israeli Naval force had communicated clearly and unambiguously to the flotilla organizers that when the Israeli forces would land, it was for the purpose of having a friendly chat and to try to convince them to accept options (a) or (b). As you can see, when the Israeli forces landed on deck, they were met with some rather violent "peace?" activists. Those "peace?" activists simply flunked the course in civil disobedience that I'm sure they were required to take before they set sail.
As the videos demonstrate vividly, those violent "peace?" activists were determined to kill as many of those young Israeli security forces as they possibly could. One of those young boys could have been my own son (ooops - did I forget the conflict-of-interest disclaimer? Sorry 'bout that...). And they didn't use just knives and metal rods, they shot live ammunition, threw stun grenades and firebombs. Looks to me like a rather violent bunch of "peace?" loving humanitarians.
If you took the time to view the 3rd video clip (links above), I think it speaks for itself. It's footage of the "peace?" activists holding a pep rally on the ship the day before. The song that they are chanting, ‘Khaybar’ recounts the slaughter of Jews by Muslims in the 7th century which is used as a rallying cry to kill Jooos today. Folks, you just can't make this stuff up - see the video links above.
And now for the thrilling conclusion that you've all been waiting for:
Was it necessary to stop the flotilla from docking in Gaza without inspection. You betcha, no question about it, 100% fer sure.
Does Israel have the right to board a ship to inspect for weapons? I have no idea, I never studied international law, whatever the heck that is !!?!?!?
Did Israel's best strategists come up with the best possible plan to stop the flotilla?
Not even close.
What a disappointment.
The Israeli Defense Forces had weeks and weeks of advance notice, more than adequate time to sit around and come up with a workable plan.
And they simply flunked.
I would like to know who these pea-brained mentally deficient so called "Senior" defense strategists are !!!
I don't know much about boats, but I'm sure that there are a variety of ways to disable a boat without dropping commandos onto the deck from helicopters?
For crying out load, they could have dropped divers into the water with nets that would tangle up the propellers. Or I'm sure there is some way to cut off the fuel supply to the engine, or to electronically interfere with the engines or SOMETHING like that? If you Google it, you can come up with like 14,504 ideas. It can't be that difficult.
And if it really was necessary to drop commandos directly onto the deck, then why didn't they first drop tear-gas canisters from the helicopters to force people below deck?
Give me a break! I want to know which, pardon my language, COMPLETELY RETARDED military "strategists" came up with this stupid plan, and I want to see them dismissed immediately and without a freakin pension! They need to pay for this complete and total stupidity.
What happened to the Israel Defense Forces of yesteryear? Where is the IDF of the brilliant Six-day war, of the raid on Entebbe, of the Osirak nuclear reactor bombing???
A guy wants to go to bed at night confident that the IDF has what it takes to keep him safe. Let's be frank -> if the arabs had the ability, they wouldn't hesitate to murder every single one of us, including all the Jooo-ish lefties that cry for them every day.
How disappointing to recount the IDF's failure after failure after failure over the last five years. There needs to be an immediate and full inquiry into this matter, to identify those at fault, and to replace them with creative people who actually know what they are doing.
OK then, I've said my piece... now we are open for comments!